When the dawn comes and sets the life free
hope wakes the sky and there is chirping on the tree
When the shades of sorrow let go of your eyes
Tell them of this story and tell them of me
There will be a tomorrow, yes there will be
With a story in the hearts, of today that we flee
Time stands a witness, as we live and die
there'll be a whisper of the past, just let it be
Who can hold the winds and all the hear and say
Mine be the sins. Saints of the world, let them pray
There won't be a forever for anyone to defend
Let God be the judge, of every needle in the hay
U just remember my words, for comfort when u cry
The only proof of having lived, is being missed when u die
My love and my heart has always been thine
and will always be with thee,
Come spring, can see me on the leaves,
autumn in the prayers on the tree